Are You Ready To Hear What They Are Saying About The Movement That Is Taking The World By Storm?
Have You Ever Known Something Needed To Change,
But Didn't Know Where To Start?...
I'm not going to lie, it can be immensely overwhelming. At times what is presented to us can seem insurmountable -- even more so when we are trying to do it all on our own. We believe we are different. We believe that we are alone. We suppress what we really think. And we suppress what we really feel. Somewhere along the line, it works! And we stop really feeling. Some have forgotten who they are, and others have simply lost touch with why they are doing what they do in the name of tradition or family values. All that we seem to sense as we take these next steps forward into this Golden that something is missing.
What If The Dalai Lama Was Right...
What If The World Is Going To Be Saved By The Western Woman?
If that is true, how do you think we are doing? As we take a long look around, many of you will agree as we venture out of the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius - it's not really looking great so far! Speaking for myself, I was entirely focused on my spiritual path for many years before 2012 came to pass, and I still had not even scratched the surface of what was required of me to be able to fulfill my role in this shift in consciousness.

To many, December 21, 2012 was just another day. Yet I assure you, we are just beginning to feel the effect of those ripples that were initiated in time. It was prophesied that deep inside the jungle in Guatemala, the male Mayan shamans would hand The Power back to the Feminine through sacred ceremony on 12-12-12. And it happened. I was there to bear witness. I look around at our planet and I ask all of us individually - what are you presently doing with your feminine power? We have not been prepared to understand and hold this sacred fire, so how can we possibly know what to do with it? And it's coming back to us -- whether we remember how to positively harness it, or not.
The Mayans knew it.
The Dalai Lama knew it.
Why doesn't The Western Woman know about it?
In the midst of this shift of the ages, I ventured into the jungle of Tikal surrounded by native Mayans, and I came back with much more than some story that they told me. I came back with a blueprint. And I came back with a living library of codes to share with my tribe. Over the past 9 years, I've diligently researched and reflected on everything leading up to and into the aftermath of my trip to Tikal in December 2012. I had to, in order to heal...
...and now I am so excited to take this opportunity to begin sharing some of those discoveries with you!
In our modern western culture we are missing key initiations and rites that bring back the true meaning and essence of life and living. We require these experiences as guideposts to assist us in accessing our own personal soul map. Ma'at Matters was developed to provide a skeleton key for the natural experiences largely missing in our Western culture. And to provide a powerful ally and tool in restoring the lost art of self initiation via the feminine new age energy.
Hi! I'm Tawnya,
And I Have A Not So Little Adventure To Share.
When I was about 7 years old, I intuitively received information that I always held very close to my heart. Something deep inside told me that I should be in Egypt for 2012. For over a decade and into my late teens, I didn't even know what 2012 was supposed to be. I just had this future date stuck in my mind, and my ears perked up anytime anyone ever mentioned anything about it. More time passed, and at 33 years old I was feeling the depths of sadness and regret as I hadn't saved any money and didn't even remotely plan for a trip to Egypt.

As I mourned my choices and came to terms with my decisions, in the last couple of months before the ominous date of December 21, 2012 - abundance flowed through. And although I looked directly in the face of my Egyptian Destiny, I was sooo curious about what the Mayans had to say about this visionary moment in time that they seemed to be the keepers of, that my boyfriend and I opted for a trip to Guatemala. Our intention was to celebrate the 'end of time' with 7 days of fire ceremonies at 7 sacred sites in Tikal, led by authentic Mayan shamans for the week leading up to the auspices date of December 21, 2012.

Our trip was booked for December 8 - 22. Even if we had flight delays, we had plenty of time to make it home to our children for Christmas. Everything was a go. Deep inside my heart I knew...but like I (and like so many of you) have done so many times before, I silenced that whisper and allowed my ego to lead me...
What Do The Native American
Hopi Tribe Have To Say?
(In the year 2000, the Hopi elders prophesied about the time we are living in right now)
 "You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour. And there are things to be considered...

Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in Right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for your leader.

...And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. All this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word 'struggle' from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration."
'We Are The Ones We Are Waiting For'
Hopi Elders' June 2000
THE TIME IS NOW. You Are Invited:
To Fulfill Prophecy.
6 Weeks To Reclaim Your Body, Mind And Soul
Your Tribe Is Waiting!
Here Is Everything Included In Your Life Changing Offer Today...
Ma'at Matters Class Itinerary
  March 20 2025 - May 1 2025

Class 1
Ma'at Mythology
Twin Flame Alignment
Culture Of Thoth
Ascension & Resurrection

Class 2
Primary Patterns
Magic Formula
Numerology Pattern #1
Law Of Self
Principle Of Mentalism

Class 3
Involution ~ Evolution
Numerology Pattern #2
Law Of Reflection
Principle Of Correspondence

Class 4
Vesica Piscis
Holy Trinity
Numerology Pattern #3
Law Of Forgiveness
Principle Of Vibration

Class 5
Royal Archetypes
Law of Resistance
Law of Conscious Detachment

Class 6
Sacred Geometry
Principle Of Polarity

Class 7
Seed Of Life
Planting Seeds
Principle Of Causation

Class 8
Lamb Story
Numerology Pattern #6
Law of Karma

Class 9
Numerology Pattern #666
Law Of Archetypes
Law Of Patterns
Law Of Cycles

Class 10
Fallen Matriarch
Guilt & Shame
Ruthless Compassion
Law Of Grace
Law Of Increase

Class 11
Master Numbers
Numerology Pattern #66
Law Of Attraction
Law Of Harmony

Class 12
God's Law
The Ma'atriarch
Weighing Of The Heart
How To Live In Ma'at
Law Of Transformation

Ma'at Matters Ebook
Hermetic Principles and Universal Laws

A set of tools to keep within reach throughout your Ma'at Matters journey and beyond!

"A Universal Law is 'an unbreakable, unchangeable principle of life that operates inevitably, all of the time, in all phases in our life and in existence, for all human beings and all things, everywhere.' It is entirely possible to use one law to overcome another law, but the laws themselves are immutable. You can sometimes delay the consequences of these laws, but you cannot change them. You can ignore them, but you do so at your own risk. Let the wise be aware!"

MP3 Meditation Download
Download 2 meditations you can choose from to connect to Source energy before each Ma'at Matters class (or any other time!).

*It is highly recommended to do one of these meditations on your own time, before each class.
Keep Scrolling! Check out the super amazing bonuses we put together - just for you!
Super Amazing Bonus #1
Along with the Ma'atriarch Membership Area at (all of your tools and downloads can be found here), for the duration of the class I encourage utilizing the materials, information, conversation and tribe momentum to assist in creating a safe and sacred space where together we can learn, grow, heal, share and support each other.

Upon course completion, the private facebook group used for the class will be archived. This means it will be accessible for a short time, but not active.
Super Amazing Bonus #2
I am so pleased to introduce a hand picked heart centered panel of shining stars who consistently exemplify what it means to embody "living in Ma'at" as we enter into the Age of Aquarius.

This unique, once in a lifetime LIVE opportunity to immerse into the Ma'at Matters Tribe will be added to your Ma'at Matters healing journey - at no extra charge to you!
Super Amazing Bonus #3
Do you know that The Book Of The Dead was actually written for the living? In order to enhance your Ma'at Matters experience, we are including The Book Of The Dead by E.A. Wallis Budge.

"The Egyptian Book of the Dead is by far the most sensational book handed down from the priests of ancient Egypt. After nearly 4500 years it still intrigues modern readers with its imaginative insights into the universal human condition and the desire for a blissful afterlife."

You can't put a value on something like this.
Everything listed above doesn't even begin to compare to how this online soul initiation will assist you in upgrading your whole entire life!
I Can Hardly Wait To Connect With You!
I've been to Tikal 2012...and back! Everything is not the same. I was fast tracked at the epicenter of the shift and I know first hand all of the incredible twists and turns that are in store for humanity on this wild ascension ride. I developed Ma'at Matters as a guide for you to consciously grow through and uplift any hand you've been dealt in this life. I've been given the gift of borrowed time, and my dominant intention is to share with everyone all that I've learned in whatever time I have left here with all of you.

When we introduce and re-apply ancient principles into our modern lives, something magical takes place. Our experiences reflect this with deeper personal fulfillment and greater overall success. Throughout Ma'at Matters, you will attune to new perspectives that enhance and empower your daily life, while you acquire the tools necessary to alleviate your heart from any unnecessary burdens it has taken on. Just by being aware of and engaging with the concepts and ideas that will be presented to you in Ma'at Matters, you will activate these ancient codes buried deep within your soul. This spark will naturally become the driving factor leading you down the right pathway to living your very best life. Every. Single. Day.

For so many reasons, this is the most incredible time to sign up for Ma'at Matters! I have an entire panel of  seasoned Ma'at Matters Ma'atriarchs that are beta testing a 6 WEEK LONG LIVE MENTORSHIP PROGRAM inside Ma'at Matters! Their intention is to provide an even more dynamic experience for your greatest overall fulfillment ~ ABSOLUTELY FREE!  Do not miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to join us in The Ma'atriarch. We are all so excited to share our pieces with you.

Catch you on the other side! ;)

Tawnya Lynne Zeytinoglu
Here’s A Recap Of
You Receive
~When You Invest In Yourself~
  • ​​Ma'at Matters 6 Week Class ($1,399 Value)
  • ​​​Ma'atriarch Mentors BETA ($499 Value)
  • 6 Weeks Private Group Access ($299 Value)
  • ​​Ma'at Matters Handbook Ebook ($66 Value)
  • ​​MP3 Meditation Download ($55 Value)
  • ​The Book Of The Dead Ebook ($33 Value)
  • ​MP3 Download To Release Guilt And Fear ($19 Value)
  • Affiliate Opportunities ($$$$$)
  • And So Much More...
Total Value: $2,370
But today, only through this affiliate link - you're getting all of this...
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

Dynamically Updated
© Copyright 2019 - 2024  All Rights Reserved, Ma'at Matters | Tawnya Lynne Zeytinoglu

 DISCLAIMER: All teachings in Ma’at Matters or affiliated classes including any reports, emails. ebooks, or any other materials you receive are intended for entertainment, informational and wellness purposes only. No guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind are given. And as such Ma’at Matters/Tawnya Zeytinoglu and/or any practitioners associated, will not be responsible for any interpretation or application made or used by the recipient of the information and/or advice mentioned in Ma’at Matters and/or associated groups. If you are struggling with serious problems including chronic illness, mental instability or legal issues, please consult with your local registered health care and/or legal professional as soon as possible. Please note that you must be 18 years or older to take this class or provide parental/guardian consent prior to the beginning of class. Classes are non-refundable.